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Memories: Food Galore


never fade away

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Food Galore

Guess who's going to GAIN WEIGHT this summer. Wahahaha.

I have been feasting on different kinds of scrumptious food lately and not being "weight concious" at all. Hahaha :)


I've been stuffed by McDonald's Big Mac, Fries, Spaghetti and Chicken. Yummmeeeeh.

And today, what did I have in my award winning menu?

I had Bacon Mushroom Melt Combo Meal ( that includes the fries and the coke and the burger of course), Frosty from Wendy's, a bag of Candy Corner Candies, a tumbler cheese popcorn and Nachos as well.

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I snagged some couples of VCDs too from Astro Vision too.

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Yeah. I just can't help my hand from grabbing the copy when I saw this from the store. I really miss Hamlet sessions with Miss Platon so I decided to check out its scenarios through moving pictures. Hahaha :)

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The Phantom of the Opera. I've been dying to watch this movie coz a lot of my friends say its good. Hahaha :)


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