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Memories: Lets face CIVILIZATION again | 2006 Resolution


never fade away

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Lets face CIVILIZATION again | 2006 Resolution

I will make the most out of my time right now. I will be going back to school again tomorrow. I am feeling sad and excited all at the same time. I want to go back to school because I miss ranting out my feelings to my friends. I miss "making lambing VIOLENTLY" with my silly and witty friends . I miss sharing stories "in person". I miss "making tambay and making bola" in the corridors as well. Haha.. and its simply boring here at home.

I do not want to come back because I'm not ready with the challenges I must face again. I'm not ready to deal with Geometry, Chemistry, Trigonometry and the list goes on. Its too early and it seems so sudden that I must face them again. Oh Gee.
I will be celebrating my birthday next week. I will be receiving the GREATEST BIRTHDAY GIFT that the school has to offer... QUARTERLY EXAM.

Instead of going out with family or some bunch of friends, I'm stuck at home reviewing for the test. I'm not used to this. We never had exams before, during or after my birthday.


I will be listing down some of my new year wishes and resolution here

+ I won't be saying badwords anymore.

+ I must sleep early so I won't doze off when class is still going on.

+ Must stop procrastination

+ Must be contented with whatyou have. STOP BEING INSECURE.

+ I must be ready to TAKE THE RISK RIGHT AWAY. No more NEXT TIMES before it is TOO LATE.

+ I must keep in mind that PERSONS ARE NOT WORTH CRYING FOR.

+ MUST MEET SAM MILBY (hahaha! =) )

+ must meet CHAMP LUI PIO again!



+ Must meet ELY BUENDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!.. and the rest of the ERASERHEADS

+ Never EXPECT TOO MUCH (or not even expecting at all) You end up hurting yourself anyway.


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