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Memories: VALENCEtines Day


never fade away

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

VALENCEtines Day

Today is Valentines Day and Mrs. Torralba's birthday. Whoa. Her name actually has a double meaning. First, because her name is CHEM RELATED and the second one is considering the fact that she's born on a Valentine's Day. Mwahaha.Speaking of Valentine's Day, now I know the story behind St. Valentine and Valentines Day. Miss Malayas told us the history behind this day a while ago. Today is probably the most unforgettable and happiest Valentine's Day so far. I will never forget the the trouble I got into during last year's valentines day. What was it all about?... Don't ask. I don't want to narrate it here anymore. I just want to forget about it, but it bittersweet memory still lurks in my mind. Anyway, forget about the past. Let us look at the bright side of TODAY. I never experience the feeling where in most of us can feel the valentines athmosphere.

I had fun because I had the opportunity to spread the love to the people are dear and special to me. I had the just to feel the bliss because of a certain someone. My hard work/ nervousness/ undescribable emotions.. what so ever did pay off after I had given that certain person.. the sign of my appreciation. Well, not just appreciation, but the sign of my..... "admiration" towards that person's well-rounded personality. Nyahaha.

I had a date. WOOHOO. ...with my DADDY. Haha. We ate at Royale Place because it is the nearest place where we could have some quality time together. at di maxado traffic. I saw Yna there too. I saw some other SHSians as well.
I also rejoyed when I received a text from my mom all the way from States.Awww. I REALLY miss my mom even though we usually argue about different kinds of things whenever she's around. Nyahaha.


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