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Memories: Eccentric


never fade away

Friday, August 05, 2005



III - Katarungan was able to have their outreach yesterday. We went to BOYSTOWN. We interacted with the grandmothers and grandfathers there. I pity some of the grandmas who lost their husbands and their child. The caregivers are giving them bad treatment too. One lola mentioned that to us. What I like about the lolos and the lolas.. is that.. they were SO ACTIVE and SO PARTICPATIVE. Everyone of us felt that we are welcome there. The lolos and the lolas were so talented too. Awww. I'm looking forward to our next visit on the last week of August.


I had an eccentric day today. My mood swings were attacking me again. One question got stuck in my head because of the things that I have been doing lately.


Its as if I feel that I don't know if what I'm doing is right or wrong.

We had our mass in the school a while ago. Our batch choir did great. We also earned a star for participating well.. and for behaving during the mass.

During dismissal time, I was able to reveal.. what I feel deep inside.. to one of my friends.. that is a very good listener.

She was strucked by the line I told her a while ago...

I smile at you and its as if I'm really happy
But what I feel is pain inside me...

I was stating that the smile on my face serves ask mask to cover the pains that I have deep inside.

it really hurts.. when.. someone does something wrong.. and you don't want "to make sumbong" or to tell the teacher that someone had done something wrong.. because.. YOU'RE AFRAID.. TO HURT SOMEONE.. or YOU'RE AFRAID BECAUSE.. THAT PARTICULAR PERSON WILL GET MAD AT YOU.

Well anyway..

THANK GOD. Some people were able to heal the wounds inside my heart a while ago. Ellanie was one of them.. because I was able to blurt out and to express my feelings to her. I appreciate her patience too and for her understanding me.

Hopefully, I would be able to finish the MEDIA LOG PROJECT this week. I would be able to study my lessons. wheew. I hope this weekend would be a tremendous weekend for me.
THANK GOD because there is such thing.. called THE WEEKEND. Where in we could have a break FROM STUDYING GEOM and RIZAL's Life.. YEHEY.

TODAY was my first time to hear MISS PLATON SPEAK IN TAGALOG. She's our English Teacher who ALWAYS speaks in English. hehehe.


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