I was browsing through the net and I stumbled accross a blog of a friend of a friend of mine. This certain someone is someone....... I'll leave you in suspense. I don't want to evaluate on furthur information regarding THIS MATTER. I stumbled across a blog of someone and while I was reading it, I felt a sudden grudge that's within me. I know I don't have prerogative to get jealous but I just can't fight the certain emotion.
I mean, On a situation when your desperately longing to be with this certain someone and that person seems reluctant to, at least, soothe your satisfaction. While on the other hand, the certain someone that you desperately long for would not hesitate to come along and grapple the opportunity with the other person.
How patheticly dramatic :
While I was reading the newspaper I while ago, I saw an interview of Elliott Yamin. He is such a great and inspirational guy. I swoon the moment I hear him sing, and see him connects with audience like me.
I watched CRASH the other day and it opened my eyes to different kinds of racial discrimination in the present time. It's a very provocative film.I just can't seem to find the reason why SOME people are so skeptical and keep on stereotyping. Like the case between the Black and White Americans,some people think of Arabs as terrorists, and all those types of racisms, It just seems so unfair. Each and everyone of us is unique but we are also equal at the same time.
I pray to God, and I hope someday that racial discrimination will cease in this mourning universe.
i can connect as in sobra! haha check out my blog. http://bust_the_rhymes.blogs.friendster.com
haha see you sa school yr!!! at hod ;)
-=*lois*=- haha
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