Happy Mother's Day

Here's picture of my Mother's Day Gift for my mom. I didn't buy this from the mall, but I made it.. straight from my heart. :)
With the help of the computer, printer and Adobe Photoshop 7.0, I was able to create my gift.
I have not given her my gift yet but I hope she appreciates it.
Love you mom. :)
Thanks for being there to support me with the thing I do. Thanks for reprimanding me for my shortcomings and wrongdoings. Thanks for not letting me out on a gimmick whenever there is a rit out there. Thanks for being so strict because, in that way, I can feel that you truly care.
Sorry for the times when I talk back against you. Sorry if I disobey you. Sorry for being selfish sometimes. Sorry if I had been a pain in the butt.
Even though I'm being such a little devil, thanks for still forgiving me and accepting me for who I am.
Love you Mom.
I hope each and everyone of you who reads this, would able to show how you love your mom. Not just every Mother's Day, but each day that passes by, before its too late.
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