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Memories: It's been a while


never fade away

Thursday, September 22, 2005

It's been a while

It has been a very long time since I started going online again. (which is TONIGHT!)

Hmm. A lot had happened from the past few days.

The Kagitingan students had their retreat.
Most of us have been very busy with the recoletters.
I am looking forward to our retreat next week. :)

I'm so excited because we will have the opportunity to rest, to have a break from CHEMISTRY. And of course, We will have the time to bind with God by means of praying and reflecting. :)

I have my book for our book report in English. It's called A Bend in the Road by Nicholas Sparks.

Nicholas Sparks is my favorite author. He writes heart warming book. The books he wrote had written are romantic at the same time adventurous. You would really get excited because of the flow of the story. The thrill and suspense will always be there whenever you read one of his books.

Miss Platon told us about our other project.. the TERM PAPER.
One of the traits that we should have is having THE WILL TO LEARN about new things. :) That's why we are the ones who will choose the topic for the term paper.

I'm digging GEOM and TRIGO as well. I'm starting to abhor BALANCING EQUATIONS in Chem. I'm having fun with stoicheometry but I'm NO GOOD when it comes to balancing DECOMPOSITION equation. :P

MRS. DINO ISN'T MAD AT US ANYMORE. :) She will be celebrating her birthday next week. We might have a surprise party for her but we're not yet sure about it.:P

Anyway.. We will be having a lot of quizzes tomorrow, I haven't studied for PINOY and ENTREP. Ugh. I hate MEMORIZATION. :P I like GEOM better than ENTREP because there are so many things to memorize in Entrep unlike in Geom.. We just memorize the formulas and we will be able to apply it in our Daily Geom Activites. :P LOL.


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